
Author: Piper Owner Society

Pipers Magazine December 2016

Winterize your Airplane and USE IT! by Scott Sherer, 17 Holiday Gift Ideas for the Practical Pilot by Scott Sherer, Is onboard WX & Traffic BETTER than ADS-B? by Bob Hart, Featured Plane Mojave: Last of Piper’s Big Twins by Bill Cox, Surviving the Unthinkable: Lessons on Icing from the School of Hard Knocks by Joel Turpin, What to watch for when shopping for an upgrade by Scott “Sky” Smith, Drama in the Skies by Tom Machum

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Pipers Magazine November 2016

Pilots are legally flying to Cuba … you can, too! by Steven Brooks, Unravelling the UPS & DOWNS of an Unruly Autopilot by Scott Sherer, ADS-B and Connectivity: REVISITED by Bob Hart, Featured Plane Seminole Lives! by Bill Cox, What Instrument Pilots Need to Know about IFR Alternates by Joel Turpin, Are Two “Better” than One? by Tom Machum

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